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We Return Balance To Your Body. We Unlock Health & Performance.

We understand the science of your body, getting to know and understand the individual you are, restoring you to full health and activating better performance for your body.

Are you tired of battling through injuries, enduring persistent pain, or living with challenging health conditions?


We offer a unique approach to treatment utilising the Zone Technique. If you’re struggling with pain, discomfort and other conditions in your day-to-day life this is not only impacting your quality of life but can also negatively affect your ability to perform at your best. We start first with returning balance to your body, bringing you back to full health, then we look to unlock a new level of endurance and performance.

Healing & Return to Full Health

Regain optimal function with our health services aimed to restore your body.


Master the Art of Healing

Transform your practice with the Zone Technique & timeless healing principles.


Healing & Return to Full Health

Regain optimal function with our health services aimed to restore your body.


Learn The Zone Technique

Transform your practice with the Zone Technique & timeless healing principles.


What Zone Healing & Zone Technique Can Do For Your Healing And Performance


Within the human body, there exist only 6 fundamental disturbances that can lead to various health issues, including diseases, aches, and discomfort. By re-establishing harmony and balance within these 6 zones, the body's cells begin to receive the correct signals from the responsible brain centers. This process empowers the body to heal and return to a state of optimal well-being. A balanced body not only feels fantastic but also operates at its peak.

Ray is both professional and an intuitive practitioner looking for the root cause of pain or discomfort. A truly holisitc approach without making overwhelming changes all at once. I would highly recommend booking in for an assessment with Ray if you are looking for alternative treatment of symptoms and learning more about your body.

Alicia Joel

I've been booking in with Ray for 3 years and highly recommend him and the work he does. He's helped so much with such a wide variety of ailments. I hobbled into the clinic initially with a torn calf and found out there's so much else he can help with. Now I'm working with him on my running gait and it's great to have such amazing professional insight. Ray's a wealth of knowledge and has become my first stop for everything. His zone techniques have improved my quality of life and helped with digestive issues, back pain and many general niggles. He's very positive and helps you get back on your feet to achieve goals

Lauren Boyle

Booking my first appointment with Ray at RunEtics has been the best decision I’ve ever made for my husband and I!
I originally saw Ray for a sore left knee, hamstring and hip that was giving me grief whilst running. Little did I know all of my other issues would be healed in the process!
After 3 years of miscarriages, my body was hormonally balanced after the first session. Ray continued to heal ongoing digestion issues and sinus problems I’ve lived with my whole life.

Tara Coker


Ready To Get Started?

Performance looks different for each person. If you're struggling with pain and discomfort in your day-to-day life this is impacting your ability to perform at your best, book in your assessment with our team.